FaveBiz Blog | Guides to grow your business to the digital economy

Fave X Duitnow Qr: One Simplified Qr to Accept Major Cashless Payments

Written by Fiona | Dec 4, 2019 7:39:54 AM

Have you heard? We recently announced that Fave has partnered with Payments Network Malaysia (PayNet) to offer DuitNow QR.

What does the partnership mean for merchants? 

Merchants will be able to accept payment from customers of 29 banks and major e-wallets via one unified QR code. That’s right, no more excessive QR standees cluttering your cashier counter space! Your customers will also benefit from having a simplified way of making their payment, regardless which non-bank or e-wallet they’re using.

"With DuitNow QR, a merchant will only need to sign up with one acquirer, and customers of all participating banks and e-wallets would be able to make DuitNow QR payments to merchants using their respective mobile apps,” - PayNetgroup chief executive officer, Peter Schiesser.


How is Fave as a merchant acquirer different from the others?

FaveBiz as a digital merchant platform is able to help you consolidate reports from various payment sources in one place instead of managing multiple accounts. You will be able to view, track and export your daily sales summary, monthly reports and customer insights that contain data from all sources of cashless payment - including other e-wallets.

We’re excited that Fave will continue its mission to enable 100,000 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with cashless payment and digital solutions.


“We are thrilled to become the country’s first non-bank merchant acquirer, allowing businesses to adopt DuitNow QR and catalyze higher adoption of digital payments while reducing the operational hurdles of managing multiple QR codes, platforms and reconciliation of various sources of payments.” - Fave founder, Joel Neoh.


With more e-wallets coming into the cashless transaction scene, it’s time to clear excessive QR codes off that counter space. Sign up for FaveBiz now and we’ll keep you informed once DuitNow QR is ready to be revealed at your store.